
Sharp Pain in Right Side After Gallbladder Surgery

Sharp Pain in Right Side After Gallbladder Surgery
Sharp Pain in Right Side After Gallbladder Surgery. The gallbladder is a small, hollow, pear-shaped organ located below the liver, on the upper right side of the abdomen. This organ is responsible for temporarily holding the bile produced by the liver until it is time to release it into the small intestine. The bile, made up of bile salts, bilirubin, and cholesterol, helps the digestive system to break down fat. While performing its duties, the gallbladder may be affected by diseases or devel...
Posted on 2024-01-31

Pain and Stiffness After Knee Replacement Surgery

Pain and Stiffness After Knee Replacement Surgery
Pain and Stiffness After Knee Replacement Surgery. Knee pain can make walking, climbing stairs, or physical activities strenuous. With reduced mobility, you may experience muscle loss and function. Fortunately, you can undergo knee replacement surgery to alleviate this pain. But why do you still feel pain after your surgery? How can you manage the pain? How long does pain and stiffness last after knee replacement? This article explores pain and stiffness after knee replacement surgery. We a...
Posted on 2023-12-27

What Is Normal Pain After Hip Replacement Surgery?

What Is Normal Pain After Hip Replacement Surgery?
What Is Normal Pain After Hip Replacement Surgery?. Hip pain can interfere with your daily life. You might need hip replacement surgery if you have difficulty walking, standing, or driving. This problem is common around the world. Annually, surgeons perform over 300,000 hip replacement operations in the US alone. Hip replacement surgery aims to replace damaged components of your hips with suitable ones. These replacements may include ceramic, metal, or plastic materials. Undergoing this proc...
Posted on 2023-11-06

How Long Do You Have Pain After Knee Replacement Surgery?

How Long Do You Have Pain After Knee Replacement Surgery?
How Long Do You Have Pain After Knee Replacement Surgery?. If you have arthritis or a knee deformity, knee pain may be part of your daily life. You may have trouble climbing the stairs or even walking. Your doctor will recommend knee replacement surgery to relieve pain and restore your knee’s function. You should be able to carry out your daily activities after this procedure. As the name implies, knee replacement surgery involves replacing the knee with artificial components. The seve...
Posted on 2023-10-08

Pain Level After Rotator Cuff Surgery

Pain Level After Rotator Cuff Surgery
Pain Level After Rotator Cuff Surgery. The rotator cuffs are a group of four tendons surrounding the shoulder joint. These tendons attach the upper arm’s muscles to the upper arm bone (humerus). They also work together to stabilize and enable the full range of motion of the shoulder joint. Due to their constant movement in our everyday lives, they are susceptible to injury due to overuse, trauma, or wear and tear from natural aging.  Options for treatment after a rotator cuff inju...
Posted on 2023-09-04
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